Wednesday, June 2, 2010

US Soccer: Fast and Stanky

When it's less than two weeks to the World Cup and you're as soccer-obsessed as I am, you start doing crazy things, like following all the US Soccer players on Twitter. It's amazing the things you find out on there. The biggest gem (and I'm upset that it took me until now to realize it) is that the US team has been celebrating goals by doing the Stanky Legg, which is easily the best YouTube dance sensation of the past 12 months. Not familiar with the Stanky Legg? Wiki has the lowdown:

Charlie Davies and Jozy were really into it at the Confed Cup last year, and apparently the guys are continuing the tradition as a personal shout-out to Davies, who is missing the World Cup due to injury. Don't believe me? Hit up the 15 second mark of this clip from the Czech Republic match:

Stuart Holden seems to have it down pat. Maurice Edu? Not so much. Clint Dempsey got a little stanky after his goal against Turkey. The 20 second mark in this clip is where the magic happens:

I get the sense that Clint has good technique but didn't want to get too stanky and risk injury. Totally understandable. Naturally, as US supporters, it's our duty to do the stanky legg along with our players when they score. This GS Boys video should provide all the information US fans need to get stanky:

Best of luck, and GO USA!


Anonymous said...

more like us soccer: slow ass yankees. real soccer players don't stanky leg when they score. they robot.

- stanky englander

MD said...

They must have seen Adam do his dance after he gets his meal from Popeye's.

Rauen said...

adam hasn't met a stanky leg he didn't want eat with a side of potato salad.