Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Welcome and Thoughts Before Final Cut

Hi there. I've decided to keep a World Cup blog. Maybe I'll update it regularly... maybe I won't. Tune in and find out.

So, the final is a 4-2 loss to the Czechs in Connecticut. I can't say I'm terribly surprised, and a lot of guys who suited up for the US tonight won't be on the plane to South Africa. Lots of folks will be asking 'who made their case tonight?', but it's a little late for that... let's talk about who's going home. 30 were brought to camp and Bradley is cutting to 23 tomorrow. Here are the 7 players I would cut if I was the coach:

Category 1 - Don't let the door hit you on the way out...

Robbie Findley (RSL) - Honestly, I never thought he was a serious consideration, but the questions at forward warranted a quick look.

Eddie Johnson (Aris Thessaloniki) - Totally respectable against lower-tier CONCACAF opponents, but he's just not a World Cup player.

Sacha Kljestan (Chivas USA) - How long does a run of bad form have to go on before you just become a bad player?

Category 2 - Sorry, bro, but you've been iced...

Robbie Rogers (Columbus Crew) - I like this kid. I think he's talented, and he's certainly shown a few flashes of great play. But the consistency isn't there, and part of me wonders if he has the pace to cover enough field at the international level.

Heath Pearce (FC Dallas) - You are kidding me with that slide tackle, right? Seriously? Keep your feet and play defense.

Category 3 - I said I loved you... but I lied

Edson Buddle (LA Galaxy) - I don't have anything negative to say about Buddle, but tonight showed that Brian Ching is poised and gets a lot of little things done and Gomez is aggressive and opportunistic. I'm not wild about the situation up front, but the bottom line is that Buddle won't make the team any better.

Alejandro Bedoya (Örebro) - This guy is still a bit of an unknown quantity for me. Even I draw the line at watching Swedish soccer. But I'm doubtful he ever had much of a chance and he did little to impress me tonight.

That's this guy's opinion anyway. Other quick thoughts after tonight:

1. Defense was frustratingly bad at times. Clearances were very unconvincing, and if you think the Czechs will make us pay for that, wait until it's Wayne Rooney with the ball landing at his feet.

2. Stuart Holden is the real deal. Glad to see him come back strong from the injury, and I'm looking forward to seeing how he does in a full season in England.

3. Edu vs. Clark... Clark vs. Edu... who will pair with Bradley in the middle? That's one position where I think we can feel pretty good about our depth and choices.

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