Monday, May 31, 2010

Talking Turkey and Group D Picks

I won't say much about the Turkey game. More than any individual performance, what stands out is that the team was able to make adjustments to improve. The US under Bradley (and Arena before him), because team depth was suspect, has had a tendency to stick with the gameplan whether it was working or not. Seeing Bradley make lineup adjustments to spark the attack gives me some comfort going into the tournament.

Now, the group D picks. This is actually a tough group to pick. Ghana and Germany are missing key players and Australia, while ostensibly the minnow of the group, has surprised people before.

Serbia vs. Ghana (6/13) - Draw
Germany vs. Australia (6/13) - Germany
Germany vs. Serbia (6/18) - Serbia
Ghana vs. Australia (6/19) - Ghana
Ghana vs. Germany (6/23) - Ghana
Australia vs. Serbia (6/23) - Serbia

1st Place: Ghana 2nd Place: Serbia

Rationale: What?!?!? Not picking Germany? How dare me! Call it a hunch, but Germany looks like a team that's desperate to under-perform. I also think Serbia deserves respect for winning one of the tougher qualifying groups (not that any of the European qualifying groups are actually that challenging... but I'll save my rant on the BS that is European qualification for another time). While I think Germany has some potential, Klose and Podolski are not the players they were in 2006. Who's the best player on that team without Ballack? Lahm? I don't like this Germany team, and I think Serbia and Ghana will be fast and motivated. In another group, I might be inclined to give the Socceroos a look, but I really think Australia is outclassed across the board.

Full Disclosure: The teams that get out of this group match up against the teams that get out of the US' group, so I'm hoping for as much discord as possible here.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Group C Picks

Ah, Group C... home of the yanks. It probably goes without saying that I'm making these picks with my heart and not my head, but here goes:

England vs. USA (6/12) - Draw
Algeria vs. Slovenia (6/13) - Slovenia
Slovenia vs. USA (6/18) - USA
England vs. Algeria (6/18) - England
Slovenia vs. England (6/23) - England
Algeria vs. USA (6/23) - USA

1st Place: England 2nd Place: USA

Rationale: This actually isn't that crazy. The US getting the draw against England is optimism on my part, but a fourth to a third of all group games end in draws, so why not us? Slovenia has some goal scoring ability and Algeria showed a lot of pluck in qualifying, but unless the US or England or both have a very disappointing campaign, they should be the ones to make the first knockout round.

The Most Important US Player Is... Michael Bradley?

I read a lot about how US chances at the cup hinge on Donovan and Dempsey coming up big. While it's true that we're screwed if they play poorly, I think there's another player who will dictate how those two end up performing. That player is Michael Bradley.

The internet is full of Bradley haters. I read at least once a day that he's only on the team because his dad is the coach. Well, regardless of the reasons, he's on the team and will be playing the ever important central midfield role. In my opinion, he's a very natural defensive mid who can occasionally bomb forward into attack and do some pretty impressive long shooting. But that's not what we need him for. We have Ricardo Clark and Maurice Edu for that. We need MB to play with vision and control. No one's asking him to be Xavi, but he needs to be more than just disruptive to the other team. He needs to be strong defensively but also have enough control to transition the ball into attack.

Why is this so important? Simply put, if MB can't transition the ball into attack, Donovan will have to track back do it, and Donovan's at his best when he's got the ball moving forward. If Donovan doesn't get the ball moving forward, he won't be there to put shots on goal or to support Jozy and Dempsey and the other guys we're relying on to score. We're never going to be the kind of team that possesses the ball for 65% of the game, but if Bradley can show some control, minimize the errant first touches, and send some good passes to attackers running onto the ball, it will free up our best players to play the way they like to play.

Is this a sure-fire way to upset England in the opening match? Probably not. A lot of things have to go right for that to happen. But against Slovenia and Algeria, teams we should beat, a smart and efficient showing from Bradley will be the difference between dictating the pace and spending the game back on our heels.

A Brief Interlude...

As if losing to the last place team in MLS wasn't enough, AC Milan players thought they'd make Wednesday night truly one for the history books by kickin' it with Gordon.

Gordon, for those who don't know, is the Kobe Bryant of JCC three-on-three Divison B basketball. Earlier this week, he referred to the World Cup as 'that soccer thing'. Now, he's chillin' with Dida. Behold the seductive power of the beautiful game.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Roster Reaction and Group B Picks

Quick thoughts on the roster:

1.) Robbie Findley... did not see that coming, nor did anyone else it seems. In 2006, we brought a veteran, technical squad. This year, the most athletic team seems to be the one going to South Africa.

2.) Even though I didn't list him among my cuts, I can't blame Bradley for letting Chad Marshall go. I hadn't considered that Edu and Beasley can fill in at the back just as well.

3.) In 2006, there were 11 players from MLS teams on the 23 man roster. This year, there are 4.

Okay, onto the picks for Group B, which, while not really a group of death, could certainly prove to be unpredictable:

South Korea vs. Greece (6/12) - South Korea
Argentina vs. Nigeria (6/12) - Argentina
Argentina vs. South Korea (6/17) - Draw
Greece vs. Nigeria (6/17) - Greece
Nigeria vs. South Korea (6/22) - Draw
Greece vs. Argentina (6/22) - Draw

1st Place: Argentina 2nd Place: South Korea

Rationale: Of the traditional powers, Argentina was the least convincing in qualifying, but I think they do enough here to win the group on goal differential. Greece is known for its defensive play, but I think South Korea, based upon their qualifying campaign and on the recent result against Japan, will use team speed to find some space. No offense to Nigeria, but this is a tough group, and I don't see them beating any of these teams.

Disclaimer: I don't feel even remotely confident in these picks. Argentina, which boasts the presence of the best player in the world, could still show up, lay a complete egg and then this group is anyone's for the taking. Seriously.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Group A Picks

So, for fun, I'm going to be picking the games in each group. These picks are not scientific, and they are chock full of my own weird biases and nonsense ideas.

Group A
South Africa vs. Mexico (6/11) - Draw
Uruguay vs. France (6/11) - France
South Africa vs. Uruguay (6/16) - Uruguay
France vs. Mexico (6/17) - France
France vs. South Africa (6/22) - France
Mexico vs. Uruguay (6/22) - Draw

1st Place: France 2nd Place: Uruguay

Rationale: I thought about writing a lot of different things here. I could write about how Diego Forlan is a reliable scorer for Uruguay. I could write about how home field advantage will buoy South Africa in that opening match. I could talk about how the various scandals and controversies that the French are dealing with could make them pull together and play better like the Italy '06 team. But I won't. Instead, I'll just say that my hatred for the Mexican national team burns hotter than a thousand suns.

Welcome and Thoughts Before Final Cut

Hi there. I've decided to keep a World Cup blog. Maybe I'll update it regularly... maybe I won't. Tune in and find out.

So, the final is a 4-2 loss to the Czechs in Connecticut. I can't say I'm terribly surprised, and a lot of guys who suited up for the US tonight won't be on the plane to South Africa. Lots of folks will be asking 'who made their case tonight?', but it's a little late for that... let's talk about who's going home. 30 were brought to camp and Bradley is cutting to 23 tomorrow. Here are the 7 players I would cut if I was the coach:

Category 1 - Don't let the door hit you on the way out...

Robbie Findley (RSL) - Honestly, I never thought he was a serious consideration, but the questions at forward warranted a quick look.

Eddie Johnson (Aris Thessaloniki) - Totally respectable against lower-tier CONCACAF opponents, but he's just not a World Cup player.

Sacha Kljestan (Chivas USA) - How long does a run of bad form have to go on before you just become a bad player?

Category 2 - Sorry, bro, but you've been iced...

Robbie Rogers (Columbus Crew) - I like this kid. I think he's talented, and he's certainly shown a few flashes of great play. But the consistency isn't there, and part of me wonders if he has the pace to cover enough field at the international level.

Heath Pearce (FC Dallas) - You are kidding me with that slide tackle, right? Seriously? Keep your feet and play defense.

Category 3 - I said I loved you... but I lied

Edson Buddle (LA Galaxy) - I don't have anything negative to say about Buddle, but tonight showed that Brian Ching is poised and gets a lot of little things done and Gomez is aggressive and opportunistic. I'm not wild about the situation up front, but the bottom line is that Buddle won't make the team any better.

Alejandro Bedoya (Örebro) - This guy is still a bit of an unknown quantity for me. Even I draw the line at watching Swedish soccer. But I'm doubtful he ever had much of a chance and he did little to impress me tonight.

That's this guy's opinion anyway. Other quick thoughts after tonight:

1. Defense was frustratingly bad at times. Clearances were very unconvincing, and if you think the Czechs will make us pay for that, wait until it's Wayne Rooney with the ball landing at his feet.

2. Stuart Holden is the real deal. Glad to see him come back strong from the injury, and I'm looking forward to seeing how he does in a full season in England.

3. Edu vs. Clark... Clark vs. Edu... who will pair with Bradley in the middle? That's one position where I think we can feel pretty good about our depth and choices.